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Wednesday, December 07, 2011

VIDEO: Bloody Mary Urband Legend

Urban Legend 2: Bloody Mary/Mary Worth

Bloody Mary is believed to be a ghost of a witch that lived over 100 years ago
who practiced the black arts.She was later found and executed.
Legend has it that if you say her name 3 or 13 times in the bathroom while looking at a mirror, she will appear and rip your eyes out.

The content of this video may disturb or even scare you.

Viewer discretion is advised.

The information contained in this video is for entertainment purposes only.
In NO way I am trying to make the viewers believe in the information given.
I will let the viewers decide what's REAL and what's NOT.

Real Life Mysteries 2010-2011©
If any of the clips or texts is too short, simply pause it.

Music disclaimer:
All the music in this video was purchased and its copyrighted by its respective owner.

- Google
- Wikipédia
- Scaryforkids

Videos used:
The Legend Of Bloody Mary (2008)

Video disclaimer:

The Legend Of Bloody Mary(2008) was directed by John Stecenko and written by Dominick R. Domingo and John Stecenko.
My videos are not intended for any personal gain, only for entertainment purposes.
All comments by others are their own and I do not take responsibility for their actions.